In the previous post, we have used REST API to create a Customer Organization that would create Party, Party Site, Party Site Usage and Location for an Organization. That post can be found here:
Note: An Organization / Party can be created using a REST API and a Customer account and Sites are created using SOAP Webservices.
In this Post, we will use a SOAP webservice to create Customer for an existing Party.
Of the Existing Party – Get the Party ID, Party Site ID from the BI Catalog by running the following queries:
select party_id from hz_parties where party_name = 'Oracle Learnings';
select party_site_id
from hz_party_sites
where party_id = (select party_id from hz_parties where party_name = 'Oracle Learning')
Using SOAP UI or other application run the following code:
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:typ="" xmlns:cus="" xmlns:cus1="" xmlns:par="" xmlns:sour="" xmlns:cus2="" xmlns:cus3="" xmlns:cus4="" xmlns:cus5="" xmlns:cus6="">
<cus:PartyId>-- enter party id</cus:PartyId>
<cus:AccountName>Customer Account Name</cus:AccountName>
<cus:PartySiteId>-- enter party site id --</cus:PartySiteId>
<cus:SetId>-- derive set id from configurations --</cus:SetId>
After the above code is run – check to see if the customer is created in the system or not using the following queries:
select * from hz_cust_accounts -- get the account_number
select *
from hz_cust_acct_sites_all
where cust_account_id = (select cust_account_id
from hz_cust_accounts
where account_number = <account number>)
select *
from hz_cust_site_uses_all
from hz_cust_acct_sites_all
where cust_account_id = (select cust_account_id
from hz_cust_accounts
where account_number = <account number>))