The Execution_method_code field in the fnd_concurrent_programs table gives a single alphabet value that determines the Execution Method Code for that concurrent program type.
Note: In this example – taking the Executable Name of Autoinvoice Master Program i.e., RAXMTR

SELECT DECODE (execution_method_code, 'X', 'FlexRpt', 'F', 'FlexSql', 'H', 'Host', 'S', 'Immediate', 'K', 'Java Concurrent Program', 'J', 'Java Stored Procedure', 'M', 'Multi Language Function', 'P', 'Oracle Reports', 'I', 'PL/SQL Stored Procedure', 'E', 'Perl Concurrent Program', 'B', 'Request Set Stage Function', 'L', 'SQL*Loader', 'Q', 'SQL*Plus', 'R', 'SQL*Report', 'Z', 'Shutdown Callback', 'A', 'Spawned') Execution_Method FROM FND_EXECUTABLES WHERE executable_name = 'RAXMTR'; --- Concurrent Program Executable Name
The above query gives the Execution Method name for the Executable using the Execution_Method_code technically.
Also, these values are stored in the “CP_EXECUTION_METHOD_CODE” lookup. And can be derived using the query below.
SELECT lookup_code Exection_method_code, meaning execution_method, enabled_flag Enabled_Flag FROM fnd_lookup_values WHERE LOOKUP_TYPE = 'CP_EXECUTION_METHOD_CODE' AND language = 'US';